Litigation Support For Family Disputes

Pricing on Case-to-case basis

- Inheritance issues in India are the most common type of civil cases filed in courts. These include disputes over property rights and ownership, challenges to the legality of a Will or testamentary documents, disagreements between family members regarding the distribution of assets, etc.

- Other common issues may include allegations of fraud or undue influence in execution of a Will, as well as claims by heirs who feel that they have been unfairly excluded from an inheritance. 

- WillJini’s team of expert lawyers have been assisting individuals across India in all kinds of litigation assistance around Succession matters. You may get in touch with our team by sending us an enquiry, to discuss your specific case and understand the entire process.

Features & benefits

WillJini has vast experience in litigation support related to succession / inheritance that includes - making / defending challanges on a Will, Succession Certificate / LoA application, Probate application, etc
Our Legal team shall understand brief details, gather relevant documents, appoint an expereicned associate in the civil court where the litigation jurisdiction is based out of. We shall also co-ordinate for all required documents, court appearances, affidavit filings, appointing counsel wherever needed, obtaining injunction / stay order, etc.
When you choose to go ahead with WillJini for Litigation Support, you get a dedicated lawyer who will be part of the entire process including co-ordinating with subject matter experts wherever needed. At WillJini, we have helped several families navigate themselves in courts, in the past 10yrs and are fully equiped to guide you through all kinds of dos, donts, and best practices.
In cases where the complications are severe, we rope in subject matter experts on a case to case basis to help you navigate through the legalities better

How it works


Understanding the case

Brief discussion over online / personal meeting to understand the case


Finalizing the terms, appointing a lawyer

Gathering all required information, finalisation of terms, appointment of lawyer associates, joint meeting with court lawyer and our team.


Vakalatnama and other court documentations

Vakalatnama and other court documentations like affidavits, drafting of petition/application/correspondence, etc


Co-ordination and follow-up for each hearing

We shall keep you updated on court processes till the final outcome / court order.

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No. A Will can be written on a plain paper as stamp paper or stamp duty payment is exempted in India for a Will document.
No, Notarisation or Registration of Will is not mandatory. A Will simply signed by two witnesses is a Legal Will. However, when somebody registers a Will - they visit the registration office physically (along with the 2 witnesses) and register their Will in the presence of the Sub-Registrar (govt. official). By this practise, the govt. basicaly becomes the third witness of the Will and the chances of challenging the authenticity of the Will by the family members / relatives in the future is minimized.
Though it is not mandatory to appoint an Executor, it is recommended for smooth and fast distribution of the assets. An Executor is a person who is appointed by the person making a Will, and who is authorized to take legal action on all the wishes mentioned in the Will. An Executor can be any person - either a beneficiary in the Will or any trusted person like a family friend, lawyer, CA, well wisher, who can assist the family to act as per your wishes in the Will.
Probate is a legal certificate issued by Civil Court of law in specified metro cities after the validity of the Final Will is proved. An executor nominated under the Will can apply for a Probate. When the court grants the probate or certifies the Will, the executor would be entitled to take necessary steps to enforce the Will. A Probate may not always be required. However when there are many immovable properties or when assets are of high value, a Probate is insisted upon before the title of owner is changed to avoid any disputes in future.
As per the law, a Will should be signed in presence of a minimum of two witnesses. It is recommended that the witnesses should not be a beneficiaries of the Will. So, any close friend, well wisher who is not a beneficiary / related to a beneficiary of the Will would make an ideal witness. It is also advisable to have witnesses that are younger than you in age so that there are less chances of witnesses pre-deceasing you. It is not necessary for the witnesses to read the contents of the Will. They are just there to confirm that the Will was signed in their presence.

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Experienced Senior Lawyers

Other Legal Matters

  • All kinds of Legal Matters
  • Advisory, Drafting and Execution
  • Subject matter Experts
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Basic Will

  • Online drafting in 15mins
  • Summarized Asset Details
  • Legal Will as per Indian laws
  • Print and Sign at your home

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